Mahsulot modeli | Nominal kuchlanish | Nominal oqim | Ilova |
DCNEM-A-F110 | 250V | 10A | BEV Elektr avtobus O'rnatilgan zaryadlash stantsiyasi |
DCNEM-A-F120 | 16A | ||
DCNEM-A-F130 | 32A |
Elektron | Elektron ko'rinish funktsiyasi | 250V (1 faza) |
BaholanganHozirgi | 10A/16A/32A | |
Iizolyatsiyaga qarshilik | ≥500MŌ | |
Chidamli kuchlanish | 2500V | |
Haroratning ko'tarilishi | ≤50K | |
Elektron ko'rinish funktsiyasi | HA | |
Haroratni tekshirish funktsiyasi | HA | |
Ulanish kuchi | ≤100N | |
Chiqaruvchi kuchga qarash | ≥200N | |
Kabel tarangligi | 100N-240N | |
Mexanik hayot | ≥20000 marta | |
Favqulodda vaziyatni qidirish funktsiyasi | NO | |
Avtoulovning aylanishi | 5000N | |
Ekologik | Atrof-muhit harorati | -40℃ ~ +75℃ |
Ifloslanish darajasi | 2-darajali | |
Himoya darajasi | IP67 | |
Kauchuk yoshiga qarshilik | 240 soat | |
Plastik yoshiga qarshilik | 168 soat | |
CTI darajasi | 0 darajasi |
DCNE is a professional charger company, which has more than 20 years' experience. DCNE develop and manufacture charger series product, and provide professional charging solution for customers. For EV charging series, we have kinds of portable EV charger, vehicle plugs/connector and vehicle inlet. We have 3 phases, 10A-63A, almost including dual-end gun. All equipment could be installed by your EVSE and EVs well. They're all meet the requirement and regulation of IEC61851-2014, SAEJ1772-2010, IEC62196-2014. All the products are well designed and with high quality beyond standard. And the price we provide for customers is the wholesale price, no MOQ for samples, and very short lead time industry. Welcome for your inquiries:
Sifat va xizmatning tengsiz darajasi, Biz guruhlar va jismoniy shaxslar uchun professional moslashtirilgan xizmatlarni taqdim etamiz.